Explore the latest research from the National Pork Board, including studies on human nutrition and the important role pork plays as part of a healthy diet.
Insights from Food Modeling Research: Putting the Thrifty Food Plan into Practice

Study Shows Pork Fits in Nutritious Diet at Lower Cost
A new modeling study that examines the role of fresh pork in the revised Thrifty Food Plan (TFP), which provides a realistic cost estimate for achieving a healthy diet on a limited budget. The study shows that fresh pork is a high-quality, nutrient dense protein that fits into the lowest-cost healthy diet, meeting all the nutrient requirements and dietary guidelines.
The research revealed that:
- Pork can fit into a nutritious diet at a lower cost
- Selecting pork as the only source of meat protein in the TFP reduced the weekly cost below the current TFP cost levels
- Selecting pork as the only source of protein still allowed for nutrient-adequate diets in the TFP
There were a couple of study limitations, including:
- This was not an intervention or feeding study, so results cannot be used to suggest cause and effect.
- While the results are promising, the eating plans modeled in this study that feature pork need to be tested in reference households to assess if they are feasible to follow over the long-term.
The research emphasizes the value of fresh, lean pork as a cost-effective option for families looking to eat healthy on a budget. Read the full publication and discover how fresh pork can play a vital role in helping Americans of all ages eat healthy on a budget in a way that works for them.

Nutrient-Rich Lean Pork
Choosing fresh, lean pork is a delicious option to improve intake of protein and variety of essential vitamins and minerals. As this study shows, the consumption of these beneficial nutrients can be achieved while minimizing intakes of energy, saturated fat, and sodium. Learn more about this research to help your patients or clients eat more nutritious meals!
TMAOs Response & Pork
You’ve probably heard about TMAO (Trimethylamine-N-oxide) recently. Recent research has shown that consuming pork as the main protein within an omnivorous eating pattern that is aligned with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans does not exacerbate TMAO response. Learn more about this interaction and stay updated with the latest science!
Lean Pork in the DASH Diet
As the most-consumed protein worldwide, pork has a place in various eating patterns, including the popular Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet. Including fresh, lean pork in the DASH diet is a delicious way to increase consumption of fruit, vegetables, and whole grains, while reducing blood pressure. Read more about this research and learn how it can benefit your patients and clients.
Pork in a Plant-Forward Diet
Gut health is top-of-mind for many health professionals and consumers alike. Research indicates that healthy young adults who follow a plant-forward Healthy U.S.-Style Dietary Pattern based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans that includes 3 ounces of lean or processed pork may experience positive impacts on some markers of gut health and cardiovascular disease risk factors. Learn more about the benefits of adding pork to a healthy, plant-forward diet.