Build a Nutritious Plate with Pork
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Good health is easier to achieve than you may think.
A resounding message from the 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans is that the foods and beverages that people consume have a profound impact on their health. What you choose to put on your plate or pour in your glass, meal in and meal out, can impact your health — for better or for worse.
It’s the small changes that help add up to a big difference, like choosing lean meats or using whole grains and including more fruits and vegetables at each meal. By shifting to more nutrient-rich choices and eating and drinking the amount that’s right for you, you can feel better and more energized while lowering the risk for diseases like diabetes and heart disease.
☐ Half my plate is filled with fruits and vegetables and there is often variety among my choices.
☐ Grains are whole grain.
☐ Protein choices are lean and varied.
☐ Dairy foods, such as milk, yogurt and cheese, are low-fat or fat-free.
☐ Foods like spreads and oils, beverages and packaged foods are those types and brands that are lower in saturated fat, sodium and added sugars.
☐ Portion sizes for grains and protein are reasonable – i.e., each fills about a quarter of my plate.
☐ Any added fats, salt and sugars topping the foods on my plate are used sparingly.

Finding the correct pork cooking temperature is the final step in plating a perfectly juicy, tender cut of meat.
Pork Cooking TemperatureNutritious Plate Ideas
These examples show what a nutritious plate looks like, and features delicious, lean pork, a half plate of fruits and veggies, whole grains and low-fat dairy foods. Making small shifts to create delicious and nutritious meals is easier than you think.

Easy, Breezy HoneyChipotle Pork Kabobs
- Pork kabobs
- Argula salad
- Whole-grain wild rice
- Grapes
- Fat-free milk

Sautéed Pork Tenderloin Medallions with Lemon
- Pork tenderloin medallions
- Whole wheat pasta
- Berries
- Broccoli/rabe
- Fat-free Greek yogurt